If you are a face painting artist, an entrepreneur, or someone with a story to tell, you already have a lot in common with our latest pick for an Artist Highlight, Jamie. We are so inspired and motivated by her beautiful story and her eye-catching art. Read on to find out how Jamie got her start in face painting and her tips for artists who are just starting out!
How and when did you get started with face painting?
Jamie: I am 12 years sober (I also work in the addiction/recovery field as a Substance Use Disorder CDCA) and it was during my second year of sobriety that I was offered the opportunity to face paint at a church festival. A wonderful and beautiful soul, named Darlene, rented my first apartment to me. As she was watching me drag in box after box of art supplies, she said “Oh! You’re an artist!” (we all know that statement and the unease that comes along with it lol). Turns out, Darlene was part of a church that was having a summer festival in need of a new face painter. She offered to buy anything I would need to face paint with the understanding that if I liked face painting, I could keep the kit. She said she would design my business cards and even help promote me. On the other hand, if I didn't like it, I still had to agree to paint for her church’s next three festivals. The day of the festival, I showed up to a 10,000-person festival and HAD to hit the ground running! Oh my goodness! It was overwhelming, but I loved it. I created my business: Chroma Fun Face Painting and began growing my kit and my skill level. I consumed as many tutorials and classes as I could manage, and the rest is history. I’ve been painting for 11 years now.
How did you hear about Craft-n-Go?
Jamie: I first heard about Craft-n-Go on Facebook in the multiple face-painting groups I was a part of. Everyone was mentioning kits they were trying to make “similar” to the Craft-n-Go brand. When I looked up what Craft-n-Go was, I immediately fell in love with the sleek lines, organization possibilities, and ease of cleanliness. I HAD TO HAVE ONE for my business!
Which Craft-n-Go products do you use and how? What is your favorite feature of your Craft-n-Go?
Jamie: I started with the Craft-n-Go XL, with the clear magnetic zipper pouches, metal work surfaces, and plastic surfaces for transport. Personally, I never turn my XL on its side. My baby is a precious, beautiful, princess that is carried or rolled around flat. Eventually, I branched out to glitter tattoos and festival glitter. For that setup, I purchased a Teal Craft-n-Go Standard case. Now I can display all my glitters and tools, but keep them easy to access and looking like a gleaming candy shop! Thankfully I purchased the expansion tray with two metal side strips to hold the clear zippered pouches, so my boyfriend and I can have contests to see who does more tattoos! It also helps keep track of how much I owe him later for the tattoos he’s done, but we gotta make it fun! My favorite feature of my Craft-n-Go is exactly why I purchased it…THE ATTENTION GRABBER! Man-oh-man it catches everyone's attention to see the colors up high off the ground! “What is this?’” or “I saw your colors from over there and I had to see what it was!”
Obviously setup and tear down are much easier, especially on the long days outside painting; but my Craft-n-Go XL’s ability to grab potential clients' attention from a distance, without much effort, has been a blessing to my business!
How do you feel about your Craft-n-Go in terms of functionality and design?
Jamie: I LOVE the functionality and design of my Craft-n-Go. I don’t know how I lived without it during the first few years of painting. Clean up is a breeze and my ability to redesign layouts and magnetize everything has been invaluable. Also, in the future when I *gasp* retire, the kit will transfer nicely to my other craft project supplies. Like I said, she’s my precious, beautiful, princess! LOL.
Where do you draw inspiration from for your face painting?
Jamie: My inspiration started early on. I started following my face-painting idols such as Shawnna Del Real, Olga Murasev, Ariel Paints, and Elodie Ternois. Honestly, I can find inspiration everywhere! Anywhere I look, I see shapes and styles that bring my face-painting designs to life. I'll use combinations of colors that I take quick snapshots of, to try blending together later. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t, but it’s exciting to try.
What advice would you give to other face painters or creatives who are just starting out?
Jamie: My biggest piece of advice for anyone interested in or involved in face painting would be, DON’T USE ACRYLIC PAINTS ON SKIN. PERIOD. Acrylic paints are nontoxic but were never meant for use on skin and in some states it’s illegal. Acrylic paints contain pigments and base ingredients that can be harmful to the skin. These include heavy metals and allergens that can cause allergic reactions, chemical burns, and poisoning.
Your supplies and your hands are your livelihood when it comes to face painting. It's incredibly important to take care of them! Purchase quality products and tools that do not add to the struggle but ease the strain (on you and your tools). Give credit where credit is due and make designs your own. We all start somewhere, find your style and embrace it!
Why do you enjoy face painting? What is the best part about your job?
Jamie: I enjoy face painting because I love the art of it. I love being able to socialize and offer moments for families to share together once they leave my booth. The complete joy I feel when someone looks in the mirror and glows, as they see their finished design. The paint may not last forever, but for THAT time in THAT moment they feel beautiful--or perhaps like Spiderman. It's fun!
What was the process like in starting your own business? Do you have any advice for other creative entrepreneurs?
Jamie: When I started my business, I was very blessed to find someone who was kind enough to embrace my sobriety and offer me the opportunity to grow. There are people in this world who would've never taken a chance like that on someone in recovery. I will be forever grateful to Darlene. She showed me that even though I had made some wrong choices in my past, that I could be more and do more with my life. I’d be lying if I said it's been a cakewalk learning the finer details of owning my own business. It has saved my life in more ways than one. It has helped keep me sober. Having something healthy and positive to put my focus on right beside my recovery has given me joy through all the ups and downs of re-inventing the myself into woman I always wanted to be.
Be impeccable with your word. Do not book dates or times without a ½ down retainer deposit, ever. If you misquote someone, honor the quoted price (If you honor your mistakes, it will build lasting business relationships.) Word of mouth is powerful advertising. Kindness goes a long way and shows your character. No one wants a cranky face painter with their kid or for themselves.
Do you have a favorite design you've done?
Jamie: Flowers are my favorite design to do. They all come out different and I love surprises! Also, I’m really loving my 3D spider I adapted from @SophiesTipps (but I still like hers better!)
Is there anything else you want people to know about you, Craft-n-Go, or face painting?
Jamie: I am a true Jack of many trades, but a master of none lol. I do many art and craft mediums from wire, to murals, to stuffed gnomes and all things Halloween! I love knowing there is always more to learn and try! I can’t thank Cynthia enough for the original design and the fabulous Craft-n-Go team of today! You have helped make my business more professional. Thank you Craft-n-Go!
We want to give a big thank you to Jamie for the great advice and for sharing her story. If you want to follow Jamie on social media or see more of her art, you can find her on Facebook!
Facebook: Chroma Fun Face Painting by Jamie
If you would like to be our next Artist Highlight winner and have the chance to receive a $50 in-store credit at Craft-n-Go, send us your story with a few fun photos to contact@craftngo.com.